Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust

Service to humanity is service to God

Tag: Galla Mandi

Coronavirus preventive medicine distributed by UARDT at Galla Mandi, Khoonipur, Gorakhpur on 19-Feb-2020

On Wednesday February 19, at Koonipur, Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh on behalf of Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust Sri Satti Bhoga Raju, Smt. Ramyasudha and their family members distributed Free Coronavirus preventive medication for 3000 people. Chamber of traders general secretary Mr. Bhoola Agrahari participated in this medical camp. भुधवार 19 फरवरी को कूनिपुर, ,गोरखपुर में […]

Umar Alisha Rural Development Trust © 2015